Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Taking a page from friends

Quest by Quotation

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot

What books have been your friends, counselors and teachers?

Our book club met at my house this weekend. A good thing too. I was motivated to get my book read, even in the midst of having the latest "virus de jour." It also has given me the motivation to read because my job, with its work and commuting hours, eats into my reading time. Great job, just not enough time in the day anymore!

I can remember as a child diving into Little Women and All Creatures Great and Small when I needed solace. I found the same sense of peace, escape, advice, and enjoyment as an adult after my mother died. When I took a sabbatical, the world seemed to be a cruel place and I grieved the sudden loss of my mother and my vocation. I retreated to the world of books, as I had done as a child. After all, I hadn't read anything but non-fiction and theology for years.

Happy ever after fiction, comforting words from Henri Nouwen, craft books teaching me new skills all filled my too spacious days. These "friends...counselors...teachers" sustained me. Now, in the middle of another life transition, I miss the hours I spent gobbling up the pages but find the limited time with my books even more precious.

So what friends, counselors, and teachers are on your nightstand or coffee table...should you plan a visit with them?

Peace and happy reading.