Thursday, August 26, 2010

Laying Fallow

Sometimes I get pulled away from what is important by stress, busyness, life in general and specific. I realized I needed to update this blog more than I needed to totally start from scratch!

Why? I am still a backyard hermit who ponders life from my deck for one thing. I miss my spiritual writing and observations for another.

I read today on the Seekerville blogspot about a writer who needed to take a break for a while and did so for two years. She discovered she was still a writer. Still a writer. That spoke to me in so many ways.

How I know I am still a writer:

  • I thoughtfully consider my status updates on Facebook, looking for just the right turn of phrase.
  • I appreciate the writing of others but often find myself saying, "I would have written it THIS way."
  • I live to discover new words or to be reminded of words I once knew, loved, and used on a regular basis.
  • I often prefer to write an email than pick up the phone just to see all the words in front of me.
  • Yes, I can get long winded but I can also be pithy and to the point.
  • Time flies when I write.

You get the point. More importantly, I get the point of writing daily so will be busy here. They say the blogosphere is almost overcrowded but we know, most of us, that we write from our hearts and for ourselves regardless of topic.